Ready to capture the opportunity in web3?

Launch your brand into the future with our elite team of web3 experts. With industry-leading builders, sellers, and operators by your side, you'll stay ahead of the curve in the fastest moving space in technology.

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We Understand It’s Overwhelming, so We’ve Made It Simple-Stupid for You


We'll kick off our engagement with a 14-day sprint mapping the web3 landscape for your business.


Together we define your North Star in the web3 Metaverse. It’s one small step, but a giant leap for your company.


We ideate, validate, build, and scale for you. Time to leave the base and catch the new horizon.

How we can help you

Web3 Strategy Session

In a 1-hour session, we answer all your web3 questions. Be it industry-related strategy, NFTs, DAOs or anything else — we guide you on your ideas, concerns and targets.

Web3 Audit

Get an in-depth audit on web3 entry points for your brand. We’ll hand you the map to take your company from zero-to-web3 and help you avoid costly missteps.

Web3 GTM

Web3 GTM

Marketing in web3 requires unique frameworks, tools, and tactics. We build a go-to-community plan into your go-to-market strategy.

End-to-End Web3 Build

Get speed and direction with our swiss-army-knife team of industry experts. We help you to build-sell-repeat.

Community Build

Your community is your moat. We help you spark the conversation, nurture it, and make it grow.

something else

Looking for something else?

Our DMs are open. Get in touch and we’ll see how we can help. No idea is too far-fetched.

Fifteen years ago, no one believed that the world would be full of social media creators and artists. Web3 is now giving them the opportunity to own their creations and get a fair share of the profits, and I think that’s something you don’t want to miss.

Gary Vaynerchuk
Gary Vaynerchuk
Serial Entrepreneur and Chairman

Today it feels like the frontier is the internet and even on the internet, the frontier is within web3. I think we’re seeing web3 starting to pull in all the talent.

Naval Ravikant
Naval Ravikant
Legendary Investor and Founder

I think Web3 is not only better for the world, but it's also going to beat Web2. It's going to be more popular because the people get really excited when they actually get to participate.

Chris Dixon
Chris Dixon
Entrepreneur and Investor

Our Four Guiding Principles



Design isn’t just look and feel, it’s about how something works. Clear thinking leads to clear results, which is why we always start from first principles.



We take guesswork out of the equation by validating first, building second. Prototypes and data are our best friends.

Distribution first

Distribution first

When products are in abundance, distribution wins. We know how to cross the “chasm” and get your product in front of the right people.

No-code approach

No-code approach

Building can be slow and costly. We leverage no-code tools to move quickly and remain flexible. Pivots happen, but they shouldn’t break your company.

Our Founders


Chris is a serial founder with strong product development, design, and marketing background. He has built multiple successful brands in SaaS, entertainment, and e-commerce, and has been involved in the web3 field since 2012.

He's the founder of the Estonian web3 community and movement with over 350 members, all of whom are local leaders in the field. Chris has worked on various web3 projects with global brands and consults the Estonian e-Residency on web3 matters.

As a true believer in web3 technologies and the positive impact they can create, he co-founded Sunbase with the mission to build beautiful products and contribute to a more egalitarian future.

Chris Reinberg

Madis brings over 10 years of digital marketing experience to Sunbase. He has proven cross-industry success working with SaaS, music, eCommerce, sports and info products. He is a sought-after digital marketing consultant with 472+ hours of coaching under his belt.

He founded and heads the only ad agency in Europe specializing in Facebook advertising for outdoor brands, BirkAds. He has audited over 2,000 campaigns and managed ads for more than 50 companies worldwide.

Madis co-founded Sunbase to shape the future for good by helping forward-thinking companies harness the power of web3 through utilizing blockchain’s mass-market potential.

Madis Birk

Our Promise to you

You only get seasoned web3 experts

To deliver high-quality results fast, the Sunbase team is made up only of the best of the best – you don’t get any juniors or interns working on your future. Web3 moves quickly, so does our pro team.

No contract lock-ins until you’re ready

Your only commitment is two weeks to start – no annual billing or inescapable contracts. Let’s get to know each other before taking off. We want to know the people behind the brands we work with, which is what makes our day-to-day work a joy.

Outsourced expertise with an in-house feel

Say goodbye to the arm’s-length relationships you usually get when working with an agency. Think of Sunbase as a remote-native extension of your team. Working with us is like working with your own crew.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is “web3” and why should I care?
What about blockchain sustainability?
Do you only work with enterprise companies?
What are your rates?
What kind of projects can you build?

Why wait for the moon, when the sun is here? Talk to Sunbase, today.

How can we help?
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